Originally we had planned to use the label to release just our own material and these two tracks had been kicking around on dub, getting a fair bit of attention, so they seemed the perfect candidates to kick us off.
For the artwork, we were given the luxury of a fully designed bag as opposed to the black disco bag, at the time I was co-running an event called LiveVEvil in Glasgow and Nick who designed all the flyers offered to help out with the artwork. I jumped at the offer and the above artwork was designed!
Although the tracks do sound a little dated now, I’m still very proud of them and will never forget playing “Tension” off a 10″ plate to a packed Glasgow Art School crowd, seeing them go off and thinking “aye”
So grab the MP3s and play em loud.
A. Pyro - Tension
B. Pyro - Spaced
Pyro Myspace
Nerve Recordings