mercoledì 9 aprile 2008

Corrupt Souls & Telemetrik Mix

Brian/Rogue State (Label Manager e co-fondatore di Translation Recordings), doveva avere come ospite Telemetrik al suo show settimanale ma la cosa è saltata. Al suo posto ha registrato questo gustosissimo Corrupt Souls-Telemetrik mix:

Rogue State - Translation Sound - - 07.04.2008
  1. Intro
  2. Corrupt Souls - Seppuku - Moving Shadow
  3. Telemetrik - R.U.R. - BSE Recordings
  4. Corrupt Souls - Skullf*cked - BSE Recordings
  5. Corrupt Souls - The Singularity - Moving Shadow
  6. Corrupt Souls - Trioxin 245 - Moving Shadow
  7. Corrupt Souls - Samsara - Circle
  8. Telemetrik - Space Coke - BSE Recordings
  9. Corrupt Souls - No Room in Hell - Moving Shadow
  10. Telemetrik (Feat. Hyx) - The Bane - BSE Recordings
  11. Corrupt Souls - Drop Zone - Moving Shadow
  12. Telemetrik (Feat. Evancipation) - Evil Exists - BSE Recordings
  13. Corrupt Souls - Wicked Life - Moving Shadow
  14. Corrupt Souls - Machines - Circle
  15. Telemetrik - Cosmos - BSE Recordings
Translation Recordings
Translation Myspace
Corrupt Souls Discography
Telemetrik - My Lightyear